Out with family

Basically i'm out with my familyz today to town. Heh hehz we went to museum to visit some Cheena items. Then headed to Suntec for the PC fest and for carrefour and for shoppingzx and for food. I think today's quite enjoyable. It's been long since I crashed into town with my family man I still mizzes times when my daddy told me to grab everything I like. Those times were just.. so irreplaceable. Haha i mizz being such a little girl who is so pampered by my daddy. Okay shall stop the crap. After that went down to meet my babyboy, he came over to meet me at my deck. Haha met his aunt uncle and his cousins. Okay he gave me a peck of kiss and passed me the huge strawberry girl toy. It's very adorable thanks baby! :) Haha he's finally back in sg. Aww finally. He kept saying 4 days without me it's like 4 years. Haha. Ohyeah he got his hair, red stripped. Omg it's damn chio. I like i like but he did it without me. Hurt my hweeling :( And yes pixx from camp.

Love you all :) Heh hehz for making my camp so enjoyable kayz. Btw I think i looked like cock.

Well I'm leaving for Bintan in a few days time. I really don't wish to get tan man but why my family luvz being so tanned!? I think I'll mizzed this place so much man. Yayz shopping tmlz.

Mizzed you badly, Cyrus. 6 days more :)

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Anonymous said...

funny siol your face

Huaiying said...

hi cute2 imy 2. :( ah why are you going to bintan! :(

Regina said...

Anon > LOl then laugh :)
Huaiying > Haha cause my parents want to go there get black. :( Awww.


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